Faculty and Staff


In Class

Ask for a copy of their co-curricular transcript (student instructions are available here)

Help students create a co-curricular education plan

Review the Ram Plan Faculty & Staff Guide

Help students think about how they can utilize their co-curricular transcript in cover letters, applications, interviews, scholarship applications, and reference requests

Add a Ram Plan statement to your syllabus like the one below.

  • West Chester University offers students a Ram Plan: Co-curricular Transcript to complete their educational experience. This official University record documents student learning outside the classroom and can be utilized in a variety of ways, including job, graduate school and scholarship applications. Students are encouraged to review the Ram Plan catalog annually, create a plan for their co-curricular education, register and attend programs, and complete the assessments related to the program learning outcomes. Students who successfully answer the learning outcome questions will see the program added to their co-curricular transcript within 30 days. Opportunities to re-take the assessments are determine by the department, group or unit who is hosting the program. Students can submit a request to appeal their assessment score and request to remove a program from their transcript if they wish. All members of the WCU community can recommend an experience be considered for the Ram Plan. Everything you need to know about the Ram Plan is available at wcupa.edu/ramplan.

In Employment Opportunities

Talk about the Ram Plan programs during recruitment

Ask for a copy of students' co-curricular transcripts (e.g., job applications, mentoring, references) (student instructions are available here)

Ask for a copy of their co-curricular education plan

Ask questions about their involvement in Ram Plan programs during interviews

Review the Ram Plan Faculty & Staff Guide

  • Invite departments to provide a program during staff training
  • Encourage students to attend specific Ram Plan programs
  • Give students time to attend Ram Plan programs

Support students in recommending programs for the Ram Plan

Include students in developing Ram Plan program applications for your department

Help students think about how they can utilize their transcript in cover letters, applications, interviews, scholarship applications, and reference requests

In Other Ways

Request a Ram Plan presentation for your department by emailing ramplan@wcupa.edu

Help increase the number of Ram Plan programs available to students by sharing your ideas

Submit a Ram Plan application for a co-curricular program you have in mind or already offer

Apply to serve on the Ram Plan Review Committee.

Offer to help with Ram Plan tabling at university events.

Help colleagues understand the Ram Plan and encourage them to get involved.