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Benjamin Brumley

Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
B.A., University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill



Dr. Brumley completed his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania – Graduate School of Education in Policy Research, Evaluation and Measurement after completing his undergraduate degree at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. His research seeks to identify and address the pervasiveness of “assessor variance” in educational assessments and the bias that is typically associated with that variance. Dr. Brumley is deeply committed to serving young, vulnerable children through research and service that improves education and health services.


Dr. Brumley currently teaches Educational Foundations and Policy Studies undergraduate courses in educational assessment and has taught Mixed Methods for Educational Researchers for the Doctorate of Education in Policy, Planning and Administration program at West Chester University. Dr. Brumley has also taught Research Methods at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.

Previously taught courses include:

EDD 724: Mixed Methods for Educational Researchers
ERM 353 Ethical and Effective Assessment for Learning - Early Grades
ERM 354: Ethical and Effective Assessment for Learning - Middle Grades
EDP 353/553: Assessment for Learning - Early Grades
EDP 354/554: Assessment for Learning - Middle Grades
EDP 355: Assessment for Learning 7 – 12
EDTF 620: Research Seminar
EDTF 619: Research Seminar
EDUC 699: Research Methods in Education


Dr. Brumley’s research focuses on child-centered educational assessment and meeting the needs of children growing up in poverty through promoting culturally responsive and equitable assessment. He is currently at work on scholarly articles concerning the history of eugenics and its relations to West Chester Normal School via Henry Goddard as well as an article on democratic educational assessment.

His research has appeared in Child Abuse and Neglect, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Children and Youth Services Review, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Advances in Social Work, and Early Education and Development. Dr. Brumley has received financial support for his work from the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


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