Educational Technology
The goal of the new Educational Technology Certificate (12 credits) is to support professional educators with technology that connects them to data, content, resources, expertise and learning experiences that empower and inspire them to provide more effective learning for all learners.
Effective teaching in the 21st century requires innovation, problem solving, creativity, continuous improvement, research, diagnostic use of data, and flexible and personalized approaches to meeting students' diverse needs and strengths. Just as leveraging technology can help us improve learning and assessment, technology can help us build our capacity as educators by enabling a shift to a model of connected teaching.
For more information regarding the Educational Technology Certificate courses, please see the Graduate Catalog.
EDT 500: Integrating Educational Technology for Effective Teaching & Learning
This online foundation course for educational professionals is focused on the effective use of modern learning technologies in the classroom. Importantly, in this class participants will be teaching and learning with technology rather than learning about technology.
- Format: Online
EDT 510: Instructional Design with Emerging Technology
In this course, students will apply their understanding of educational technology to curriculum design process. Students will be asked to follow content area and pedagogical best practices in the design process. Special attention will be given to national standards, emerging technologies, and professional development. In addition, students will be required to research current methods and techniques in the application of educational emerging technologies. (Typically offered in fall)
- Prerequisite: EDT 500
- Format: Online
EDT 530: Digital Media Production and Storytelling
This course offers an introduction to methods and strategies for the design and production of digital media and digital stories. Participants get hands-on experience with multimedia tools, produce their own new media and digital stories, learn to integrate digital stories in a school setting; and develop lessons that involve students in creating and sharing digital stories. Course topics include digital storytelling as an educational tool, assessing digital stories, the art and practice of storytelling, the media production process, copyright and fair use in education. (Typically offered in winter)
- Prerequisite: EDT 500
- Format: Online
EDT 517: Technology & Universal Designs for Learning
This course provides an introduction to the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and strategies for its inclusion in diverse instructional settings. The basic premise of UDL is that a curriculum should include flexible alternatives to make it accessible and applicable to students, teachers, and parents with different backgrounds, learning styles, abilities, and disabilities in widely varied learning contexts. (Typically offered in spring)
- Format: Online
EDT 540: Teaching and Learning Online
This is a course about teaching and engaging the online learner. The overarching goal of this class is for teachers, and teacher candidates, to develop strategies to help learners be successful in an online environment.
To accomplish this goal, the primary objectives for participants in this course are to: understand the emerging field of teaching K-12 students online and the essential differences from traditional face-to-face teaching; perceive the affordances and challenges offered by online resources, technologies, and online teaching; integrate various web 2.0 tools to enhance online teaching and learning; develop strategies to foster student collaboration and communication within an online environment; comprehend the broad concept of digital citizenship and its implications including ethical and legal issues. (Typically offered in summer)
- Prerequisite: EDT 500
- Format: Online
Contact Information
- Dr. Christian Penny
- Professor of Educational Technology
- Educational Foundations & Policy Studies
- 610-738-0531
- Email Dr. Christian Penny