
The Mather Planetarium is located in the Science Complex on the north campus of West Chester University. The Science Complex sits on the corner of Church St. and Rosedale Ave. The planetarium is in the link - the one-story round portion of the building that connects the north and south (multi-story) parts of the building. There are several entrances to the Science Complex however the most direct route to the Mather Planetarium is through the entrance off of Rosedale Ave. Follow the driveway that leads behind the building from Rosedale Ave. (see map). You will see the Sun Sculpture outside the lighted entrance for the Mather Planetarium.

For the evening general public shows, visitors may park for free in the parking lot behind the Sykes Student Union building (Lot K), located on Rosedale Ave., after 4pm.  All metered street parking must be paid until 10pm.

For group/private shows, parking information will be provided to the group leader based on whether you will be arriving by bus or private vehicles.

The Mather Planetarium is closed from May through August.

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