Resources for Faculty

Teaching Support

Teaching Support

  • TLC: The Teaching and Learning Center
    • Faculty Associate: Dr. Janneken Smucker
      TLC—the new center resulting from the merger of the Office of Digital Learning (ODLI) and the Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Center—supports effective teaching and promotes student learning through facilitating opportunities for faculty development, networking, and knowledge sharing among instructors, including faculty communities, workshops, book clubs, and other pedagogical initiatives. TLC regularly partners with other campus offices including the Faculty Ombuds and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
      Teaching & Learning Center
  • FAST: Faculty And Staff Trainings
    • Trainings for faculty technology needs: i.e., D2L, Lecture Capture, Adobe, Microsoft Office & OneDrive, etc.
  • CELT: Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
    • The Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching fosters collaborations among faculty and with students to build a scholarly community around issues of learning and teaching. At WCU, we prioritize teaching, and CELT's mission builds directly on this focus. CELT aims to improve learning and teaching to the benefit of the entire WCU community. CELT aims to help instructors identify engaging and innovative ways to improve their own teaching, so that teachers and students both have opportunities to maximize learning. CELT runs a book club each semester, hosts an annual spring workshop, and provides funding for teaching innovation through its annual CELT Professional Development Award.
  • CAPC: Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee
    • CAPC is WCU’s CBA-stipulated, faculty-centered curriculum committee. As such, it functions as one of the shared governance bodies at the university. Members are elected from the faculty and represent particular constituencies (e.g., departments, at-large, etc.). All curriculum and academic policy matters are considered initially through a thorough CAPC review process; ultimately, the body submits its recommendations to the Provost.
  • University Libraries
    • Francis Harvey Green Library (corner of Rosedale and High)
    • Presser Library (in the Swope Music Building)
      University Libraries
  • Distance Education: The Office of Digital Learning and Innovation
    • Support for all faculty regarding pedagogical approaches for designing, building and teaching online and blended courses. Provides online faculty development workshops five times per year. This training is CAPC mandated in order to teach online courses.
      Distance Education
  • IS&T: Information Services & Technology
  • OEA: Office of Educational Accessibility
    • The Office of Educational Accessibility provides access for students with disabilities to all of the experiences available at WCU from their time in the classroom to the clubs and activities that they engage in to where they lay their heads at night.
    • OEA Faculty Resources
  • CIP: The Center for International Programs
  • CAE: The Committee for Advising Excellence
    • The Committee for Advising Excellence (CAE) includes faculty, administrative, and staff representatives from across the university. It develops and maintains the university advising website, supports increasing visibility of advising on campus, trains faculty advisors, and administers an annual advising award.
       Faculty Advisors
  • Academic Calendar
  • AWAC: Free Association for Writing Across the Curriculum Membership

Research Support

Research Support

  • ORSP: The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
    • Vice Provost for Research and Creative Activity & Vice Provost for Faculty Development: Dr. Nicole Bennett
      ORSP promotes and facilitates the research environment of WCU. They assist faculty and students who are interested in being involved in research on campus.
  • IRB: WCU’s Institutional Review Board
    • IRB co-chairs: Drs. Melissa Reed and Heather Leaman
      In compliance with federal regulations, the IRB evaluates all human subject research proposals.
  • IACUC: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
    • Chair: Dr. Aaron Rundus
      In compliance with federal regulations, the IACUC monitors and approves all animal use at West Chester University.

Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

  • ODEI: The Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • CTQA: Center for Trans and Queer Advocacy
    • Director: Dr. Tiffany Gray
      The mission of the Center for Trans and Queer Advocacy is to create an environment where the intersectional experiences of trans and queer people are supported, celebrated, validated and affirmed.
  • LGBTQIA+ University Caucus
    • Co-Chairs: Beth Shearn (Program Coordinator of Graduate Social Work Department) and Dr. Liam Lair (Associate Professor of Women’s & Gender Studies).
      The Caucus is comprised of faculty and staff who work in solidarity to create a safer and more equitable campus climate for trans and queer people.
      LGBTQIA+ University Caucus
  • The Dowdy Multicultural Center
    • Director: Martin Lacayo
      The Dowdy Multicultural Center promotes holistic success and development of Students of Color through collaborative co-curricular experiences that promote multicultural awareness, create a sense of belonging, affirm racial and cultural identity, and empower all students to challenge systems of oppression.
      The Dowdy Multicultural Center
  • MFC: Multicultural Faculty Commission
    • Chair: Dr. Daniela Johannes
      The MFC addresses unmet and incompletely met community-building needs and provides expanded support for a diverse and global faculty in such areas as scholarship and academic leadership.
  • CWGE: The Center for Women and Gender Equity
    • Director, Center for Women & Gender Equity: Dr. Sendy Alcidonis
      Since 1974, Center staff have been serving as advocates for gender equity issues in collaboration with the campus community.
    • Caregiving:
      Center for Women & Gender Equity:
      Helping faculty and staff balance the competing tasks of life as both an employee and a parent and/or caregiver by highlighting policies and resources that provide help and community support
    • Women’s Commission
      Chair: Michelle Wade
      In support of the University’s Mission, Values Statement, and Vision Statement, the Commission functions as an advisory group that recommends and advocates for the improvement of working conditions, climate, and safety for women on campus.
      Women’s Commission
  • CCIT: The Campus Climate Intervention Team,
    • Chair: Dr. Tracey Robinson
      CCIT exists to foster an institution-wide climate free from acts of intolerance or prejudice and to establish protocol for responding to and monitoring acts of intolerance or prejudice should they occur.
  • FDI: Frederick Douglass Institute
    • Director: Dr. Chris Awuyah The Institute is an educational and cultural resource for advancing multicultural studies across the curriculum and for deepening the intellectual heritage of Frederick Douglass, the former slave, distinguished orator, journalist, author, and statesman.
      FDI: Frederick Douglass Institute
  • The Society (formerly the Frederick Douglass Society):
    • President: Andria Young The Society is a diverse group of predominantly Black and Brown faculty, staff, students, and administrators of West Chester University, who seek to elevate the social consciousness of the campus, and community at large. The Society facilitates the work and service needed to promote an ideal society that encompasses social justice, genuine equity, real reform, the arts, and holistic education. The Society also annually raises money for scholarships to increase the economic options available to the student body.
      FDS: Frederick Douglass Society

Campus Resources

Campus Resources

  • Free Recreational Swimming and Indoor/Outdoor Track Access
    • Two swimming pools on campus are available during the week for recreational swimming: the Hollinger pool on North Campus and the South Campus pool. RamNetID cards or guest passes are required for admittance. Check bulletin boards for open swim times or call the Aquatics Office at 610-436-2127. See Campus Recreation page for more about facilities available to faculty
      Recreational Swimming and Indoor/Outdoor Track Access
  • Free Speech & Hearing Services
    • The WCU Speech and Hearing Clinic offers free, full diagnostic evaluations for children and adults suspected of having speech, language, or hearing disorders. Treatment is offered in both individual and group settings and bilingual Spanish-English evaluations and treatment are available.
      Speech & Hearing Services
  • The Center for Contemplative Studies: 
  • Mental Health Support
    • SEAP: State Employee Assistance Program
      • SEAP provides all WCU Employees up to three free sessions with a SEAP counselor for each concern or problem, and the benefit renews each calendar year. Through the SEAP program, you and your family can receive no-cost, confidential, and personal support for a wide range of issues.
    • WCU Community Mental Health Services
      • Clinic Director: Dr. Michele Pole
        The clinic provides a variety of services to the West Chester community, including to WCU faculty and staff, by supervised advanced doctoral students. See the list of services here:
        WCU Community Health Services
  • The Department of Cultural and Community Affairs
    • Plans and implements activities and marketing efforts that advance the University's cultural and public service agendas and position WCU to be a valuable community resource as well as a regional center for the visual and performing arts through a multitude of programs, including WCU Live!, the President’s Speaker Series, and maintaining and promoting WCU’s permanent art collection.
      Cultural and Community Affairs
  • GNA: Gordon Natural Area
    • Stewardship Manager: Nur Ritter
      A refuge for local wildlife and native plants, and a multi-use setting for researchers, nature lovers, runners, dog walkers, and people looking to reconnect with the natural world.
  • Escorted to car
    • If you are on campus late at night and are uncomfortable leaving the building alone, you can call Public Safety (located in the Peoples Building on the corner of Church Street and University Avenue) at X3311, or 610-436-3311 to request they send an escort to your location who will walk you to your car,, at no charge. This is a campus-wide option.
      Public Safety
  • Highlight from HR’s Benefits at a Glance page
    • Tuition Fee Waiver for Employees and their Dependents
      Tuition Fee Waiver
    • WCU Employee Discounts:
      • Discounts on AT&T and Verizon Phones, Accessories & Monthly Plans Discounted Movie Theater Tickets, Amusement Park Tickets, and Department Store Coupons
        Discounts on Apple and Dell Computers

General Support

General Support

    • APSCUF is the faculty union and represents all faculty at WCU. The union protects wages, working conditions, and benefits, and it also defines and protects our performance review and evaluation process, among many other things. View our contract here: If you are experiencing a problem that you believe is a contract violation, or have any question at all about the contract, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your union. We are also available to support you when you need to have a meeting with HR, ODEI, a dean, or other manager, and will supply you with a union representative to accompany you to that meeting. You can reach APSCUF during regular business hours at 610-436-1064.
  • WCU Faculty Senate
    • One of the shared governance bodies (along with CAPC and APSCUF), comprised solely of elected faculty, making recommendations to the Provost’s Office to ensure classroom and non-classroom faculty involvement in the shared governance of the institution.
      WCU Faculty Senate
  • Ombuds Offices: Operating in compliance with International Ombuds Association Best Practices
    • Faculty Ombuds: Dr. Joan Woolfrey or
      A free service for faculty that is impartial, independent, confidential and informal. A place to go for help resolving conflicts or issues arising in the workplace, based in principles of fairness and equity.
    • Student Ombuds: Dr. Lisa Montgomery
      A place where student questions, complaints and concerns about the functioning of the University can be discussed in a safe environment. The Office offers informal dispute resolution services, provides resources and referrals, and helps students consider options available to them
  • HR Benefits
  • Faculty Evaluation
  • FMC: Faculty Mentoring Committee
    • The Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP), established in 2008, is open to all part-time and full-time academic and administrative faculty, as defined by the most recent CBA. The FMP offers three targeted programs to support faculty at every career stage: new full-time tenure-track faculty, faculty desiring to seek promotion, and adjunct faculty. Annually FMC trains tenured faculty to be mentors and pairs them with new faculty at NFO. It also facilitates group mentoring activities for adjuncts, and has been recruiting new mentors to provide support through the promotion process.
  • NFO: New Faculty Orientation
    • The New Faculty Orientation Committee annually organizes and executes a multi-day onboarding session to welcome new faculty to WCU. Committee members offer support and guidance as new faculty acclimate to WCU culture, providing resources through a virtual binder, in person sessions, and D2L modules. NFO annually occurs in mid-August.
    • Local lodging during NFO
  • PSECU Credit Union Membership
  • Software for personal use