Swapping Classes

Students may swap a class on their schedule with a different class during the course add/drop period. The last day to add a course varies based on the session/course start date. Add deadlines for a particular class can be found in the academic calendar and within the Class Search. 

Tile navigation: Classes > Swap Classes


Swap Classes

  1. In order to swap a class, there must be a class already added to your schedule.

Swap Classes

2. Choose the course that you would like to replace. There are 3 ways to find a replacement:

  • Use the class search

Swap Classes

Swap Classes

  • Choose a class that you have placed on your tentative schedule

Swap Classes

Swap Clases

  • Enter the Class Number.

Swap Classes


Swap Classes

3. After using any of the above methods to choose a replacement class, the results of the swap will be shown so you can make changes accordingly.

Swap Classes

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